Booking a holiday at Gabriel Cottage
Below you will find dates and prices for the remaining weeks available for the 2025 season and details of how to book, and a link to a downloadable booking form.
Bookings are from Saturday to Saturday
To avoid the possibility of money laundering we do not accept payment above the required value of any deposit or balance payment.
Aware that Covid-19 can still be prevalent while we now ‘live with the virus,’ we allow a quarantine week between each booking to ensure your safety.
To Book Gabriel Cottage
Telephone Michael and Marie on 01328 710 743 or 07585850371 to check availability of dates – in case a booking has been accepted and the website not yet updated. If you make a verbal booking with us it will be held for 4 days whilst you then send booking details – the link to our booking form is here. You can either fill in and submit via email or print and post to us. On booking we would then require the payment of one third of the total price as deposit – the balance being due 8 weeks prior to your holiday. (Just 4 weeks prior if payment via BACs).
Conditions of bookings
When booking you enter into a contract for the hire of Gabriel cottage for holiday purposes only. The contract comes into effect once the booking form and money for your deposit have been received and your booking confirmed with our receipt.
The person signing the booking form takes full responsibility for all members of his/her party. The person making the booking cannot be substituted but other members of the party may be substituted provided we are informed of any changes. Should the stipulation as to the maximum four named adults, no children or smokers or pets be ignored, the entire party may have to leave the property.
In the unfortunate event of your having to cancel your holiday for some serious cause we would return your deposit upon receipt of written notice of cancellation up to 56 days prior to the start date. From day 56 (8 weeks) we would refund, less 15%, only if we are able to gain a re-booking.
We strongly advise taking out comprehensive travel and holiday insurance to cover possible cancellation costs and your stay at our holiday cottage. If you choose not to then you accept responsibility for any loss that you may incur due to your cancellation.
We have a number of visitors who unfortunately suffer from various allergies and come to the cottage anticipating an allergen-free atmosphere. Thus no pets are admitted.
Please note* In the table of available dates below we list successive weeks during the ‘shoulders’ of the year as available which may appear contrary to our ethos of having a quarantine week after each booking. However, since not so many bookings are taken early and late in the year, when a week is booked we will immediately cancel the availability of the preceding and following weeks to ensure your safety.
Check In | Check Out | Price | Availability |
04/01/25 | 11/01/25 | £540 | Available |
11/01/25 | 18/01/25 | £540 | Available |
18/01/25 | 25/01/25 | £540 | Available |
25/01/25 | 01/02/25 | £555 | Available |
01/02/25 | 08/02/25 | £555 | Available |
08/02/25 | 15/02/25 | £555 | Available |
15/02/25 | 22/02/25 | £555 | Available |
01/03/25 | 08/03/25 | £555 | Available |
08/03/25 | 15/03/25 | £555 | Available |
15/03/25 | 22/05/25 | £555 | Available |
22/03/25 | 29/03/25 | £555 | Available |
19/07/25 | 26/07/25 | £975 | Available |
02/08/25 | 09/08/25 | £975 | Available |
16/08/25 | 23/08/25 | £975 | Available |
30/08/25 | 06/09/25 | £906 | Available |
13/09/25 | 20/09/25 | £849 | Available |
27/09/25 | 04/10/25 | £810 | Available |
01/11/25 | 08/11/25 | £540 | Available |
15/11/25 | 22/11/25 | £540 | Available |
22/11/25 | 29/11/25 | £540 | Available |
29/11/25 | 06/12/25 | £540 | Available |
06/12/25 | 13/12/25 | £555 | Available |
13/12/25 | 20/12/25 | £600 | Available |
20/12/25 | 27/12/25 | £1,200 | Available |
27/12/25 | 03/01/26 | £1,200 | Available |
03/01/26 | 10/01/26 | £576 | Available |